News From IronOaks at Sun Lakes

Message from the President

IronOaks homeowners had an exciting winter and continue to participate in the many amenities available, including the many concerts, bus trips, and weekly entertainment events. The outdoor concerts have been a big hit! We are so lucky to live in IronOaks, because there are so many things to do and enjoy. The sun shines just about every day.

One exciting renovation project, Grill on the Green, was completed and offers our homeowners another great place to relax, eat, socialize, and play cornhole. Grill on the Green restaurant has become a popular place for our homeowners to enjoy within our community and offers a different menu than Stone & Barrel.

The pickleball courts will be seeing more play at night. Contractors have been hired to install lights for the eight courts. Installation should start late June and be completed by the end of July.

At the April board meeting, the board of directors approved the committee chairs, members, and liaisons for 2023-24. I would like to thank the homeowners who continue to step up and dedicate their time and expertise to our committees. We need other homeowners to become involved by attending board and committee meetings to find out how they can help make this community a better place to live. Homeowners need to get informed and educated about the operations of IronOaks. They can attend in person, by Zoom, or listen to the recordings to find out what is true or false concerning the happenings of IronOaks.

In the upcoming months, the board, management, and committees will be working together to provide direction for Phase 2 of the Master Plan. Improvement and development of this plan are necessary, and we will continue to have input from homeowners.

Stay cool, stay safe, and let us make 2023 a great year for IronOaks!