November Apple Club news

Jan Bobbett

The November Apple Club class is another one you won’t want to miss. This class will focus on photo management and exploring apps for holiday projects. The presenter is our very own Nancy Thoma, whom we learned a lot from in our March sessions.

Nancy will help us see how to purge our unnecessary photos and will cover Burst and Live View features of iPhone’s camera in case you’re not familiar with them. With your photos pared down, the next task is to select and organize those photos that you will eventually use to create a holiday project.

As usual, the presenter will direct the class, members will then apply at home what they have learned to create a project, and, finally, the following workshop will be for providing helpful follow-up, such as answering questions.

We have limited space, so sign up for this class under “Upcoming Events” on our website at for this class held on Monday, Nov. 11, at 1:30 p.m. in Cottonwood’s Phoenix Room. The workshop takes place on the following Monday, Nov. 18. Sign-up for this workshop on the website too.

Also under “Upcoming Events,” please note that Gary Tougas and Mike Canterbury are again holding one-on-one Q&A sessions (by appointment only) for individual users. Sign up for a Friday morning session from 10:00 a.m. until noon in Cottonwood’s Men’s Card Room, and follow the website directions by emailing your details to slappleusers@icloud. You will be contacted for a specific scheduled time. Have your questions ready for your very own personalized session.

You might want to check the website occasionally to see additional opportunities to learn more about the club and related events.