OLNGA Low Gross Club Winners Tuny O’Rorke, Phyllis Madison (Champion), Cora Lathom-Levensky and Karen Kenyon

OLNGA Jo Williams Low Net Winners Tuny O’Rorke, Phyllis Madison (Champion), Sheila Bossio, Clarisse Zornes
Ann Rounthwaite
In April the OLNGA combined golf with social events, offering something for everyone. April 7 brought a Pro’s Choice game on the Lakes course where scores were counted on only four holes. Flight 1: 1st Patty Partridge, 2nd Georgeann Bell, Suevonne Negaard and Helen Semple, 3rd Denise Fleshner, Pat Stead, M.J. Coking, Ila Kraayenbrink and Cora Lathom-Levensky; Flight 2: 1st Julie Schneider, 2nd Catherine Tinerino-Moore and Marcy Griffith; 3rd Linda Trisch, Connie Luther and Fran Neumayr; Flight 3: 1st Marian Greer, 2nd Colleen Duke and Fran Schuring, 3rd Leslie Pettis.
Then on April 14 Oakwood Lady Niners hosted Cottonwood Lady Niners in a scramble on the Palms course. Afterwards golfers gathered at the Poolside Grill for refreshments and “president’s choice” prizes awarded by OLNGA President Julie Schneider.
The winners of a low gross game April 21 on the Palms were Flight 1: 1st Phyllis Madison, 2nd Cora Lathom-Levensky, 3rd Betty Perry; Flight 2: 1st Reggie Wegman, 2nd Suevonne Negaard, 3rd Judy Hedding; Flight 3: 1st Sharon Gale, 2nd Karen Kenyon, 3rd Ursula Bird.
Before the annual awards luncheon on April 28, Niners played a scramble with Helen Semple, Sharon Johnson and Karen Kenyon coming first; Julie Collier, Betty Perry and M.J. Coking tying with Pat Stead, Connie Luther and Ursula Bird second; and a three way tie for third.
After that close game golfers met in the Oakwood Sunsets dining room. Social chair Sharon Gale had transformed it into a magical garden party setting. Tables bore floral centerpieces with spring blossoms flanked by giant lady bugs. Red and black napkins and decorations completed the theme of Lucky Lady Bugs. Niners put the bubble solution and mini-pin-wheels on their tables to good use while those sufficiently daring sampled a Lady Bug concoction assembled by the bartender. Dessert cupcakes iced in red and topped with lady bugs perched on golf tees proved no one can carry out a theme like Sharon!
Jo Williams, the Lady Niner for whom OLNGA’s Net Championship is named, was not able to attend this year’s luncheon, so members signed a get well card and that afternoon a small group delivered it to Jo along with lunch.
At the luncheon Birdies Chair Kathy Chebuhar gave Birdies pins to golfers who had earned them in the last quarter: Betty Perry, Nancy Heberling, Julie Schneider, and Barbara Stewart.
Margaret Johns, our Arizona Women’s Golf Association representative, announced the winners of the AWGA State Medallion competition. Betty Perry and Phyllis Madison tied for first place, with Betty declared winner under AWGA tie-breaking rules. Georgeann Bell came second and Cora Lathom-Levensky third.
Phyllis Madison had a stellar season! She won both the OLNGA Club Championship (Low Gross) and the Jo Williams Championship (Low Net). Other low gross winners were Flight 1: Cora Lathom-Levensky; Flight 2: Tuny O’Rourke; Flight 3: Karen Kenyon, while other low net winners were Flight 1 winner Tuny O’Rourke; Flight 2 Sheila Bossio; Flight 3 Clarisse Zornes. Congratulations to all the winners for a great season of golf!
Joining the Niners is a great way to play golf with a supportive, fun group of women who enjoy socializing over brunch or lunch after weekly games on Tuesday mornings. For information about joining call Barbara Stewart at 480-883-3008.