Oakwood Lady Niners Golf League

Sue and Reg Boucher in front of Kalimera at Ephesus in Greece

Reggie Wegman

The Lady Niners have been traveling to faraway places. Sue and Reg Boucher did a land tour of cities in Greece, followed by a Windjammer tour of the area, and they loved every minute of it. That part of the world has so many interesting ancient and historic sites.

Other gals have been taking short trips to see family and friends or just to get out of the heat. Ila Kraayenbrink attended her grandson’s wedding in Taylors, S.C. Just before the big event, Gram sewed a button on the groom’s jacket. Way to go, Gram! Kathy and Bob Chebuhar had a weekend in San Diego. I was on Long Island and got to see my granddaughter playing her alto sax in a band concert.

Some brave souls have played all summer in the blistering heat. Neither rain, nor storm, nor heat keeps us wild and crazy gals off the course. It hasn’t been easy! We keep asking ourselves, why do we do this? Okay, why? We enjoy each other’s company, and we get a little exercise.

There will be an Open House on Oct. 14 in the ballroom in Oakwood from 9 a.m. to noon. Please stop by and say hi to the gals manning the Oakwood Lady Niners table. We are always trying to attract new members, and if you have someone who is thinking about joining our league, bring them up to the Open House. Most groups, crafters, political parties, rock and gem, and Rotary and Lions clubs, etc., usually have a table available for information about their group and how to join.

The next important date is our Welcome Back gathering on Oct. 24 from 9 to 11 a.m. in the Pro Shop TV room. The event is open to everyone, especially those who are thinking about joining us. You can meet the women in our league who love the game of golf and, of course, all the fun ladies in the league. Have a cookie and a drink and mingle with some terrific women who make up this group. We are the oldest organized league in IronOaks. Our league was started by our wonderful Jo Williams who will turn 104 this October.

Please put the dates on your calendars and come on up!