Oakwood Lady Niners Golf League

Pictured (left to right) are Joyce Parker, Club Champion yellow tees; Joni Hiller, Club Champion silver tees; and Nancy Hooke, our Jo Williams Low Net Champion of the Oakwood Lady Niners Golf League.

Reggie Wegman

We all enjoyed the last luncheon of the season at which birdie and chip-in pins were distributed to the winners. Our president Karen Graves announced that the entire board will run again for next year. If there are no nominations from the floor at the Welcome Back Luncheon in November, these very gracious ladies will be affirmed as the 2025 board.

Starting in June, summer play will begin. As most of you know, no chits are awarded from June through September. Ladies who want to play must sign up on the sheets posted on the bulletin board. Do not sign up on Chelsea. The sign-up sheets will be posted two weeks before the month starts. Starting tee time will be 6:30 a.m., and only threesomes will be accepted. There will be tee times from 6:30 a.m. through 7:30 a.m. If you sign up and cannot play, please call the Pro Shop or visit and remove your name. Please inform your threesome of that change so that another lady can be added.

We will be playing before the 18-hole group all summer. All teams will be asked to play ready golf, and no dawdling. Since no chits are awarded, the team can play Best Ball, Stepaside, or whatever game you come up with. These games are good practice and may actually improve your game. You can use clubs you may never have used, take chances going over water, try some new techniques, etc.

We hope you all have a great summer and safe travels. See you in the fall.