Reggie Wegman
Any lady golfer interested in trying out our league, please write to me at, and I will be glad to have you play along with us.
The summer is upon us! So, get out your cool towels and sun hats. As in years past, we will not pay chits for the games played during the summer. It is a very relaxed way to get nine holes of golf in before we melt. If you are going to play, please sign up—with a pencil or other writing implement—on the Oakwood Lady Niners’ bulletin board in the clubhouse. The sign-up sheets will cover games played June 1 through September. You must sign up by noon on Saturday, before the Tuesday you wish to play. Barbara Solmonson, who works the desk at the club, will send out the pairings according to the sign-up sheets. Look for emails from her with that information. We will play as threesomes only. If you want to sign up for yourself and two others, be sure to write legibly.
If you forget to sign up, you can call the Pro Shop to see if there is a spot for you. If you need to cancel, you must call the Pro Shop as soon as possible. This system has worked out very nicely for the last few years. Kathy, our president, will send out information if things change.
There were some questions regarding scoring some games. If a scramble is played and there are only three players, a blind draw will be picked for the flight of the one missing person. In the fewest putts game, the puts will be added to the net game. So, as an example, if you score a 50 minus your 15 handicap, it is 35 plus your putts.
Many of our members have left Sun Lakes for their summer homes or for travel. We wish you all safe travels. Have a wonderful summer and keep in touch. See you in the fall.