Oakwood Lady Niners News

Reggie Wegman

A group of hearty women played very early on March 12. We were all dressed for the 55-degree weather that morning. Only the brave signed up for a quick nine holes. When we arrived back in the parking lot, the 18-hole ladies were all dressed for a ‘70s golf invitational. They all looked great and were a sight to behold!

We know what’s on the horizon, so enjoy the cooler temps and play lots of golf.

It has been years since our league sponsored an outside invitational. It is a terrific way to meet other 9-hole league players. It takes lots of work and organization. Some of you may have played in invitationals and know how much fun they can be. Please let the president know if you will be supporting this effort by volunteering for a committee.

Keep ‘em in the fairway!