Odds and Ends

Dancing on a Dahlia, by Betsy Ohlgart, is a fine example of the quality of our first-place entries.

Ken Duquaine

On March 28 the Sun Lakes Camera Club (SLCC) held its fifth and final monthly photo competition of the season. The competition categories were Open, Monochrome, and Sports. Several categories had multiple winners with identical scores. Our first-place winners were as follows:

Class A

Open Prints: Linda Davis and Janet Ballard; Monochrome Prints: Raul Lopez and Linda Davis; Sports Prints: Janet Ballard; Open Digital: Shelley Hughes; Monochrome Digital: James Smith and Linda Davis; Sports Digital: Jim Dusen (two images)

Class B

Open Prints: Donna McGregor and Ruth Massey; Monochrome Prints: Donna McGregor; Open Digital: Phyllis Peterson; Monochrome Digital: Ruth Massey; Sports Digital: Ruth Massey

Class C

Open Digital: Samantha Rose Palmatier; Monochrome Digital: Betsy Ohlgart; Sports Digital: Kathy Fiakas, Cindy Stalter, Samantha Rose Palmatier, and Gina Long

SLCC’s officers and board members for next season are President Ken Duquaine, Vice President Gina Long, Secretary Donna McGregor, Treasurer Betsy Ohlgart, past President Samantha Rose Palmatier, Competition Chair Melissa Hance, Hospitality Chair Sonja Walcher, ACCC Liaison John Livoti, Membership Kathy Fiakas, and Webmaster Bob Little.

Our year-end banquet took place in the San Tan Ballroom of the Cottonwood Country Club on April 28. The banquet was followed by our year-end competition, which features the best images submitted by members in all competition classes and categories throughout the 2023-24 season. For this competition each competing member is allowed to submit up to four print and four digital images that have previously been entered and judged during the past season’s monthly competitions, and a panel of outside judges is charged with selecting the best image of the year in both print and digital formats for each of our competition levels A, B, and C. Results of this competition will be announced in SLCC’s June article in this publication.

The Sun Lakes Camera Club meets on the second and fourth Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Lecture Hall of the Cottonwood Country Club from October through April. For more information about the SLCC and its activities, contact SLCC President Ken Duquaine at 248-342-0790 or [email protected] or past President Samantha Rose Palmatier at 907-727-0334 or [email protected], and visit our website at www.sunlakescameraclub.com.