Mary Dyrseth

OLGA has a new board for 2025. Linda Anderson takes over as president, Pam Grimmer as vice president, Linda Morris as secretary, and Connie Hughes as treasurer. Thank you for volunteering, ladies.

The OLGA charity event raised $3,230 for the Assistance League of the East Valley. This organization provides much-needed assistance for school-aged children who need help with school supplies and other necessities. Another worthy cause helped by our generous members.

Our tournament chair Lynda Jones (that’s Lynda with a Y not an I) is off to Australia to cavort with the wallabies and kangaroos, so no published results for a few weeks.

The event on Jan. 14 was ghost holes. In Flight 1, Glo Malmberg and Mary Figgis tied for first, and Sharon Bowditch was third. In Flight 2, Mary Perry was first, and there was a four-way tie for the rest between Andy Harper, Sue Pederson, Mary Dyrseth, and Leslie Smith. The Flight 3 winner was Sharon Behm, and Sylvia Lyon and Sharon Ironside tied for second and third. The Flight 4 winner was Barbara Kassel, and Terry Jung and Cheri Curtin tied for second and third. Flight 5 winners were Tammi Bailey in first, Vicki Scott second, and Robin Thomas third. In Flight 6, Judi Walker was first, Vicki Schuurmans second, and Liz Pritchard and Chris Walch tied for third and fourth. Whew, I wish OLGA didn’t have so many flights.

As I’m sure everyone knows by now, our longtime director of golf is leaving for greener pastures. We are sure going to miss Eddy. He is very well liked by all the members, and he will be hard to replace.

Look for the results of the Club Championship next month. I’m sure it will be a real nail-biter.