Penny Petersen
The six-day charity tournament began with some outstanding matches. The tournament doesn’t end until Saturday, Nov. 12 (after the Splash deadline), so we’ll give you a teaser and report the final statistics next month.
The opening match on Center Court was a doozy. Bob Lewis and Roger Diddock competed against Al Mein and Bill Bailey. It went way over its time limit and ended with Lewis/Diddock winning. On the women’s side, Jo Lucas and Christine Cook of Springfield played an excellent match against Cathy LaPoint and Ellen Maurer of Oakwood on Court 5. The winners were LaPoint/Maurer.
On day two, Craig Twitchell and Bill Cunningham of Oakwood defeated Bill Gosiak and Steve Nolan of Cottonwood. Cindy McCarville and Kathy Moliter of Cottonwood defeated Martine Blu and Kathy Moore of Cottonwood, and Bob Walk and Maurice Allen of Cottonwood defeated Art Bassler and John Gates of Oakwood. These are only a small number of the matches played the first two days. The total number of matches played was 28.
The tournament gives all proceeds to charity. Two of the biggest recipients are Neighbors Who Care and the Chandler Boys and Girls Clubs. “Sponsors” whose banners are displayed on the courts pay to have their banners hung, and a goodly sum has already been collected. Final total will be reported next month.
Cottonwood Tennis Club offers free lessons every Monday night at 7 p.m. The club has also opened its courts to area clubs on Thursday evenings for Drop-In Tennis.
For information regarding membership in Cottonwood Tennis Club, contact Membership Chair Susan Hood at [email protected].