Pictured front row (left to right) are Karen Ryan, Carol Kirsch, Sandy Bealmear and Sharon Barnes; second row are Judy Preis, Lois Hauge, Toni Kopaz, Anna Cody and Kathi Bobek; third row are Meredith Thompson, Virginia Woodbeck, Janet Rogers, Pat Goldberg, Ellen Hellman and Carolyn Rogers
Lady Joker’s Hand and Foot Group
Susan Gottschalk
The Lady Joker’s Wild Hand and Foot card group, which meets on Thursday afternoons in the Bradford Room of the Oakwood Clubhouse, gathered recently for their fourth annual “after the holidays hors d’oeuvre party” at the home of Judy Preis.
Tuesday Cribbage
1/06. 1st Milt Knutson 12-62, 2nd Jack Toews 11-62, 3rd Jim Fisher 10-66; Low: Neil Olin 1-185; 24 Hand: Rudy Gerstner and Barb Bade
1/13. 1st Stan Wengrzyn 12-78, 2nd Neil Olin 12-23, 3rd Milt Knutson 11-60; Low: Pat Donahue 2-97; 22 Hand: Jim Fisher; 24 Hand: Jane Widmer
1/20. 1st Lydia Kolsch 14-120, 2nd Eldon Drenthe 12-50, 3rd Don Martin 12-32; Low: Patty Donahue; 24 Hand: Milt Knutson
1/27. 1st Jean Drenthe 11-114, 2nd Madelyn Toews 11-88, 3rd Dan Kitto 11-12; Low: Jack Toews 3-38k; 24 Hand: Eldon Drenthe, Milt Knutson and Stan Wengrzyn
Wednesday Cribbage
1/07. 1st Jerry Kazeck 15-103, 2nd Pat Donahue 15-59, 3rd Jack Towes 12-29; High Hand: Michael Roberts 24; High Crib: Pat Donahue 20
1/21. 1st Cele Kuepper 16-72, 2nd Michael Roberts 13-45, 3rd Keith Haverlong 12-45; High Hand: Eldon Drenthe 24; High Crib: Keith Haverlong 18
Thursday Cribbage
1/08. 1st Lydia Kolsch 11-59, 2nd Michael Roberts 9-45, 3rd Milt Knutson 2-69
1/15. 1st Neil Olin 13-107, 2nd Madelyn Toews 10-49, 3rd Michael Roberts 10-0; Low: Jack Toews
1/22. 1st Rick Whitney 12-43, 2nd Jack Toews 10-61, 3rd Madelyn Toews 10-46; Low: Richard Lewin 2-110
1/29. 1st Jack Toews 11-51, 2nd Rick Whitney 10-42, 3rd Richard Lewin 10-6; Low: Neil Olin 2-100
Join us for Euchre cards every Sunday evening at 6:30 p.m. in the Friendship Room of Sun Lakes Country Club.
1/11. Women: 1st Carolyn Searls 77, 2nd Sandy Bullock 64, 3rd Annette Kitto 62; Men: 1st Dan Kitto 78, 2nd (tie) Larry Stoner and Jim Teske 69, Doug Hilby 67
1/18. Women: 1st Bunny Sullivan 73, 2nd Sandy Bullock 72, 3rd Phyllis Koeller 67; Men: 1st Joe Brody 72, 2nd Roger Hurley 71, 3rd Dennis Mulcahy 70
1/25. Women: 1st (tie) Judy Stoner and Yvonne Manore 69, 2nd Lydia Kolsch 67, 3rd LaVaun Hill 66; Men: 1st Doug Hilby 69, 2nd (tie) Gene Kindle, Nick Whitacre and Richard Wilhelm 68
2/01. Women: 1st Phyllis Koeller 76, 2nd Charlene Hare 70, 3rd Yvonne Manore 65; Men: 1st Steve Kauffman 71, 2nd Gene Kindle 69, 3rd David Koeller 65
2/08. Women: 1st Cyndi 72, 2nd Nancy Wright 70, 3rd Marge Mogelnicki 68; Men: 1st Jerome Schultz 75, 2nd Joe Brody 72, 3rd (tie) David Koeller and John Mogelnicki 71
Tuesday Double Pinochle
12.16. 1st Dave Dorsey 935, 2nd Ellie Ewish 764, 3rd Celeste Dorsey 757
12/23. 1st Marge Mogelnicki 925, 2nd Dave Dorsey 789, 3rd John Mogelnicki 788
12/30. 1st Celeste Dorsey 1,376, 2nd John Mogelnicki 1,086, 3rd Mike Drugone 1,026
1/06. 1st John Mogelnicki 1,250, 2nd Gary Tanghe 1,082, 3rd Ann Brotherton 1,007
1/13. 1st Gary Tanghe 1,047, 2nd Ewan Owen 848, 3rd Mike Drugone 846
1/20. 1st Gary Tanghe 1,166, 2nd Dave Dorsey 1,152, 3rd Marge Mogelnicki 1,146
1/27. 1st Ann Brotherton 1,453, 2nd Rich O’Brien 1,241, 3rd Gary Tanghe 1,100
2/03. 1st Gary Tanghe 1,370, 2nd Rich O’Brien 1,170, 3rd Ann Brotherton 1,047
Thursday Double Deck Pinochle
Come play double deck pinochle. We have open play every Thursday evening from 6:30-9:30 p.m. in the heated/air conditioned Sewing Room of the Oakwood Arts and Crafts Center. Newcomers, experienced or novice, are always welcome; single players, couples or groups. Arrive early before we start any Thursday evening for a refresher or beginner lesson on how to play double deck pinochle. For more information contact Jerry Alexander at 480-883-7595.
January 15 – Evan Owen had a double run and Marlene Hinkle had double aces
January 22 – Dave Dorsey had a double run
January 22 – Evan Owen had a double run and Anne Bell and Marge Mogelncki had double aces
1/15. 1st Lillian Look 1,496, 2nd Gary Tanghe 1,355, 3rd Evan Owen 1,264
1/22. 1st Gary Tanghe 1,258, 2nd John Mogelnicki 1,229, 3rd Evan Owen 1,208
2/05. 1st Jerry Alexander 1330, 2nd Celeste Dorsey 1,309, 3rd Gary Tanghe 1,290
Wednesday Pinochle
Join us for Pinochle cards every Wednesday evening at 6:30 p.m. in the A-7 Painting Room of the Cottonwood Clubhouse.
1/14. Women: 1st Ann Brotherton 740, 2nd Sandy Bullock 654, 3rd Sharon Zubchevich 604; Men: 1st Bill Lamont 668, 2nd Ozzie Zubchevich 60, 3rd Dave Dorsey 586
1/21. Women: 1st Loretta Tow 765, 2nd Karen Johnson 699, 3rd Marlene Hinkle 674; Men: 1st Dave Smiths 693, 2nd Steve Kauffman 691, 3rd Dennis Nelson 667
1/28. 1st Jacquin Dobson 727, 2nd Sharon Zubchevich 669, 3rd Darlene Thompson 631; Men: 1st Joe Biondo 889, 2nd Dave Smits 691, 3rd Ozzie Zubchevich 667
2/04. Women: 1st Dianna Roeder 761, 2nd Sharon Zubchevich 739, 3rd LaVaun Hill 736; Men: 1st Bill Lamont 775, 2nd Woody Jones 706, 3rd Steve Kauffman 617
Friday Pinochle
Join us for Pinochle cards every Friday evening at 6:30 p.m. in the Friendship Room of Sun Lakes Country Club.
1/09. Women: 1st Mary Pottonavage 825, 2nd Karen Johnston 756, 3rd Betty Oster 706; Men: 1st Jerome Schultz 656, 2nd Neil Olin 637, 3rd John Mogelnicki 636
1/16. Women: 1st March Parker 744, 2nd Sharon Zubchevich 716, 3rd Marge Mogelnicki 715; Men: 1st Konrad Spicker 699, 2nd Ed Pottonavage 660, 3rd Neil Olin 653
1/23. Women: 1st Clytie Fleetwood 770, 2nd March Parker 729, 3rd Sharon Zubchevich 725; Men: 1st Dennis Mulcahy 807, 2nd Ken Reidenbach 753, 3rd Dennis Nelson 707
1/30. Women: 1st Sharon Zubchevich 810, 2nd Sandy Bullock 715, 3rd Clytie Fleetwood 708; Men: 1st Ken Reidenbach 814, 2nd Ozzie Zubchevich 786, 3ed Steve Kauffman 754
2/06. Women: 1st Sandy Bullock 742, 2nd Penny Jones 644; Men: 1st Ed Pottonavage 819, 2nd Jerome Schultz 700, 3rd Roger Bergerson 628