Sun Lakes Lady Niners

Dottie Wodraska The Sun Lakes Lady Niners love playing golf. Even the more chilly temperatures of December didn’t deter the ladies from taking to the links. The Lady Niners golf at Sun Lakes Country Club on Tuesday mornings, usually at 9 a.m., but tee-off times change to 10 a.m. during the colder months of December…

Sun Lakes Lady Niners

The Sun Lakes Lady Niners love playing golf. Even the chillier temperatures of January didn’t deter the ladies from taking to the links. The Lady Niners golf at Sun Lakes Country Club on Tuesday mornings, usually at 9 a.m., but tee off times change to 10 a.m. during the colder months of December and January.…

Kinetic Karate Classes in Sun Lakes

Charmaine Roberts What Is Kinetic Karate? Kinetic Karate begins with the kinetic chain. The kinetic chain is the interrelation of the nervous, muscular, and skeletal systems. Our nerves, muscles, and joints work together to create human movement. Kinetic Karate generates movement that creates energy in our muscles and joints. The objective of a dynamic, energetic,…

Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation Sisterhood

Esther Spear The Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation Sisterhood will meet on Thursday, March 20, at 1 p.m. in the Chapel Center. Our guest speaker from the Minkoff Center for Jewish Genetics and the ASU Master’s program will present a program about your genes. Topics that will be covered include learning the pros and cons of…

Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation

Murray Siegel The regular monthly Shabbat service for March will be held on March 14 at 7 p.m. The Choir, led by Lana Oyer, will be honored during the service. Full services are conducted each month, starting in November, except for July and August, on the second Friday of the month at 7 p.m. at…

Made of Metal Takes to the Skies—Again

Pam Wortman Things are looking up for the popular men’s group at First Baptist Church Sun Lakes (FBCSL). For the second month, Made of Metal takes to the skies again. Last month featured a fighter pilot, but on March 8 Lee Murray will lead the men on a soaring adventure. FBCSL is hosting the March…