Niners March golf results

Jim Wegman, Publicity The annual Membership Meeting-Awards Luncheon was held on March 28 at the Oakwood clubhouse. The major focus of the meeting was to make changes in the C&B L’s and conduct the election for the new board of directors. I am pleased to announce that Lloyd Schaeffer is now the president, Bill Pender…

Dolly Dressers and more

At the March meeting, we paired over 300 stuffed animals with books. We bag them together and donate to Title 1 elementary schools in Chandler. They are used by the teachers as reading incentives, and the kids love getting a book they get to keep (and animal). For some children, this might be the only…

Relishing Pickleball

David Zapatka The 2019 USAPA/IFP Rules have been updated. Here are some of the highlights: * Pen or sharpie-type markings are allowed on the paddle playing surface so long as they do not impact the surface roughness and are in good taste. * At the beginning of the serve, both feet must be behind the…

Edgar Cayce Study Group

Our Search for God study group meets every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in Room A-2 of Cottonwood Country Club. We explore the readings of Edgar Cayce who is recognized as the greatest psychic of the 20th century and the founder of holistic healing. We strive to be healthier, peaceful and to be one with the…

OLGA news

Carol Smith We have crowned a new OLGA Cup winner for 2019. Congratulations to Cathi Pospisil. She won the OLGA CUP. It was a two-week tournament. The Flight winners were Flight 1: 1st Dori Akin, 2nd Judy Darnell, 3rd Roselyn Hoiby; Flight 2: 1st Shirley Weaver, 2nd Joan Hammond, 3rd Barb Anderson; Flight 3: 1st…