Free piano concert happening March 26

  Please join us for a piano concert featuring Andrew O’Brien on March 26, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. at the Sun Lakes Chapel. Andrew O’Brien is a faculty member of Scottsdale Community College where he teaches piano and music history. He has performed in the Chaparral Music Fest, Dartmouth College, San Tan Chamber Orchestra and…

It’s almost spring

Portrait of a Bald Eagle by Jan Williams

Ann Posiviata Spring in Arizona brings a myriad of opportunities to take pictures. The flowers coming in bloom; the hiking trails full of people; music, food and beverage festivals; and spring training for the Cactus League. The Sun Lakes Camera Club is a great place to learn photography with resources to workshops and events by…

Help honor these 2019 Crystal Award recipients

Left to right: Judy Gahide, IO; Herb Lienenbrugger, IO; Jeanne Becker, SLCC; Dick Eslick, IO; Mary Middleton, IO; George Thomas, CWPV; Richard Hawkes, CWPV; Frank Gould, CWPV; Bill Gates, IO (not pictured])

These honorees have served the Sun Lakes community to make it a better place to live. Community members are encouraged to show their appreciation by attending the annual gala banquet to honor these recipients on March 10 at 5:00 p.m. at Oakwood. A cocktail hour with a no-host bar will provide time to congratulate the…

Word of the Month: Deuce

  David Zapatka Watching the Australian Open Tennis Championships reminded me of the strange way tennis is scored. Zero is announced as love. Theory is that love arose from the French word for “egg,” l’oeuf, because a zero on a scoreboard resembles an egg; a clever but unsubstantiated claim. One point is called 15, two…

Ironwood Lady Niners news

Après golf for the Ironwood Lady Niners

Vicki Mendenhall and Beth Zdeblick, Publicity It’s not just about golf. Socializing after golf can be the best part of the day. It’s always fun after nine holes to stop into the Ironwood clubhouse to munch on some snacks and enjoy a beer, a glass of wine or other beverages of choice. The Lady Niners…