Susan Reynhout With the new year, people make promises to themselves like eating healthier and getting more exercise. Often those resolutions fall by the wayside by February, if not sooner. The big question is: How do we keep our resolutions throughout the new year? How do we make it become a lifestyle change for the…
Clubs & Classes, January 2019
Simple steps to keep your health and wellness resolutions
Clubs & Classes, January 2019
Bridge classes for everyone
FUNdaMENTAL Bridge is offering Beginning lessons for those who wish to learn bridge, Boot Camp Bridge lessons for those who play bridge but want to learn contemporary bidding, 2 Over 1 lessons for those who want to incorporate the latest important modification to Standard American bidding and End Play and Simple Squeeze lessons for…
Clubs & Classes, January 2019
2019 Winter Bridge Enrichment Series
Diamond Life Master David Zapatka will once again be teaching eight weeks this season at the Risen Savior Lutheran Church, 23914 S. Alma School Road. The first four-week seminar will be The Hardest Card You Will Ever Play! The second four-week seminar will be In Search of the Golden Fit. Lesson dates are Friday…
Clubs & Classes, January 2019
Bridge Results
Monday Afternoon Social Partnership Bridge 11/19. 1st Ron and Mary Kent, 2nd Dick and Donna Briner, 3rd Gene Kindle and John Moglenicki; Slam: Newell Orr and Paul Budrick 11/26. 1st Nancy Smith and Lois Haute, 2nd Joe and Joan Silver, 3rd Bev Anastasia and Dagmar Bostik 12/03. 1st Dorothy Thurman and Irene Edmunds, 2nd…
Clubs & Classes, January 2019
Chorale concert highlights
The Sun Lakes Chorale officially kicked off the holiday season on Thursday, December 6, with their annual Holiday Concert. We were pleased to have such a large and enthusiastic crowd in attendance and we were happy to regale them with songs of the holidays, wishing them hope, love, peace and laughter to help them…
Clubs & Classes, January 2019
Sun Lakes Essential Oil Club news
Vicki Vitality Come join us for a fun kick-off to the new year with presentations and activities in January, beginning with learning essential oils blends for recovering from those New Year’s Eve parties and ways essential oils can support weight loss and healthy metabolism. The Essential Oil Club members enjoyed creating holiday ornaments scented with…