Sun Lakes Posse news

Phyllis Swanson, Sun Lakes Posse Associate A luncheon was held to thank two associate members who are retiring from the Posse Associates. Cita Meloch has been with the Associates since 1998, and Nancy Upham has been a member since 2011. They both will be missed and we wish them all the best in their new…

Want to sell your art at Art at the Lakes?

The Art at the Lakes 11th Annual Show is on March 2, 2019, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., with a rain date of March 9. We are now receiving applications for artists to participate in the show. You can be one of the more than 85 artists offering paintings in all mediums: pottery, gourds,…

Spotlight On Advertiser: Choose your real estate sources wisely

  Cathi Pospisil, Chandler – HomeSmart Broker Associate Non-broker advertising platforms have benefits and drawbacks. Consumers have access to much more home listing information today than ten years ago and they can access that information on many more Internet sites. While large consumer advertising platforms create benefits for consumers, regulators should be mindful of their…

Mark your calendar for Women’s Connection holiday brunch

Susan Reynhout Celebrate with Marjorie Overload at Women’s Connection Holiday Brunch. Elaine James will delight the audience with her humorous performance of Marjorie Overload. She is a certified personality trainer and graduate of Leaders, Authors and Speakers Seminars, an actress and certified storyteller. This talented woman has created skits filled with cute characters such as…

Energy and Chair Yoga December schedule

  Experience the benefits of Energy Yoga with Paullene. Classes are held in the Navajo Room, which is on the third floor of SunBird Golf Resort. Regular Yoga: Mornings: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 7:40 to 8:50 a.m. Afternoons: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 4:00 to 5:10 p.m. Note the slight time changes. The classes will be one…