Guys and Dolls celebrate end of season

Trophy presentation to On Strike team. Pictured, left to right, are Ralph Harper, Claudia Rapaelian, Tenna Toppola, Bob Reeves, John Greenwood and Andy Boutcher.

Bob Reeves Guys and Dolls Bowling League celebrated the end of its season at Palo Verde Country Club on April 3. The Viejos team of Dave Nelson, Dave Cichoracki, Dennis Grendahl, Doc Heckler and Jim Growe won the first half of the season. The Easy Pickups team of MJ Williams, Patsy Redmond, Phyliss Heslin and…

Fly Fishing at its finest

Carnero Lake

George Abernathy In the first week of May, members of the b went on an overnight trip to Carnero Lake which is located in the White Mountains. Brad Smith, Jim Richardson and I camped at the lake’s edge which turned out to be one of the most scenic locations imaginable. John Potts drove out for…

Recording kiosk opens at Ed Robson Library

Sherry Jackson, RCI Corporate Communications A new kiosk from the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office has opened at the Ed Robson Branch Library in Sun Lakes. The digital recording kiosk brings the Recorder’s office to Sun Lakes and allows for the convenient recording of documents without having to go into the downtown or Mesa offices. There…

Men’s Oakwood Golf Association

Handover of Oakwood/Cottonwood Traveling Trophy

Bob Greene, Publicity I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to the Director of Tournaments for MOGA, Mr. Aki Yasuda. Aki and his wife have lived in Sun Lakes for the past six years, and he has been the director for the past five years. He says he’s been playing golf “for…

Vacation, road trips and more

Cactus in Morning Light, by William Lewis

It’s time for a vacation. The long summer months are soon upon us here in Arizona. The temperatures will rise, and that calls for higher altitudes to cooler weather. A road trip or a vacation calls for some organization and planning, whether you’re visiting a Global Basecamps safari location, or you’re seeing the aurora borealis…