Comedy tonight

Award-winning comedian Michael James

On March 11, 2017, the Chandler SunBird Lions Club will present the comedic talents of Mike James. Mike James is a nationally recognized, award-winning comedian. He performs around the country, bringing laughter and hilarious life experience to his audiences. His easy-going style and original content make him a breath of fresh air on the comedy…


The kissing booth at the Valentine’s event

Does my dog drop to the ground when another dog appears? This behavior puzzles humans and is often thought that this posture is submissive; however, that’s not usually the case. As long as your dog is not growling or stalking the oncoming dog, it is probably an invitation to play. It is all about body…

Exchange of club pins with Canadian Lions

Past zone chairman Bob Neale of the Nanoose Bay Lions in British Columbia, Canada, exchanged club pins with SLBLC President Donna O’Neill. (Photo by Brian Curry)

It is a long Lions Club tradition that when a traveling member is visiting another Lions Club chapter, you give a presentation on your club and make a small presentation to the host club. At a recent Sun Lakes Breakfast Lions Club meeting, past zone chairman Bob Neale of the Nanoose Bay Lions in British…

IMGA news and events

John Concannon – Publicity As I mentioned last month, the activity here at Ironwood Golf Club is hot and heavy. The Ironwood Cup completed play, and the flight winners are as follows: 1st Flight – Bruce McCorkle, 2nd Flight – Dale Bassi, 3rd Flight – Larry Birlin, 4th Flight – Paul Jordan, 5th Flight –…

Waste Management has nothing over us

Diana De Pree It’s been a busy few weeks for the Lady Niner’s and lots of fun! On January 12 our game was select a drive. That started the ball rolling with the following two weeks play (although it rained one of those weeks) for the Club Championship. On February 2 we were treated to…

Spotlight On Advertiser: Family Tax Advantage

Family Tax Advantage is a year-round tax preparation and tax consulting firm based in Sun Lakes, with a second office in Connecticut. Dan Morson, CPA, is a Sun Lakes resident and has been in tax practice since 1966 (with Ernst & Young), and is a retired tax partner of the world-wide firm Deloitte. Dan is…