Life Beyond the Teabag

Diane Eddy High tea – it’s an expression we hear frequently. But what does it actually mean? What is the history of the phrase? There does not appear to be a written record of when the first high tea was served in England. However, we do know that the term refers to a pot of…

Writing workshop starts  January 12, 2017

Anne Lee Miller

Sun Lakes Country Club will host local author Ann Lee Miller for a Creative Writing Workshop on Thursdays, January 12-February 2, from 1:00-3:00 p.m. in the Friendship Room. The workshop will focus on how to plan and structure short stories, novels and nonfiction essays, articles and memoirs. Writers will practice showing the action of their…

New beginnings, new intentions

An example of Reiki healing.

Lois Valleau A new month, a new year and new possibilities. Reflecting on 2016, we remember the new adventures we had, the new habits we developed, the new friends we made and how we got a little wiser and a bit more gentle with ourselves. Perhaps we had challenges as well. Isn’t this all a…