Roadrunner RV Club news

The Sun Lakes Road Runners RV Club is off to a good start this season. In November the club had the welcome back meeting where everyone enjoyed catching up on each other’s summer travels and then got down to the serious business of planning the rallies for 2017. Some members met at the Eagle View…

Admiral to speak at Aero Club

Gary Vacin A retired U. S. Navy Rear Admiral who commanded the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier will be guest speaker at the Sun Lakes Aero Club (SLAC) gathering Monday, December 19 at the Sun Lakes Country Club Mirror Room. The session begins with coffee and camaraderie at 6:30 p.m., followed by the presentation at…

Tap dance into the New Year

Start the New Year off learning new tap steps and fitting them into a dance routine! We will learn combinations of tap steps, work on balance and coordination and add names of steps to our memory bank. Participants need to be familiar with steps such as Flap, Shuffle, Ball-change and have some kind of dance…