Computer Booters Club news – January 2015

This keyboard, black with yellow keys with large black lettering is very easy to read; check out “Keys U See” online for more information. Keys are easier to see especially with those bi and tri focal. I certainly find it handy with my half glasses.

Sue Klein, Publicity Coordinator January 6 at 7:00 p.m. at Sun Lakes Country Club in the Navajo room opens our computer year. Our speaker this month is Bryan Johnson, Director of Marketing for Orbitel. Orbitel is our local company that provides TV and internet connection. Computer News – have you heard about “Real Pad,” a…

Grief Share Group notice

George Walker, Pastor of Special Ministries Beginning Friday, January 23, 2015, we will begin a 13-week series of Grief/Share. Grief/Share is a grief recovery support group designed to help you rebuild your life after losing a loved one. Our group is led by caring people who have experienced grief and want to help you through…

Shake it off with Zumba

Okay, so now after all that partying, we really have to ‘shake it off.’ I know it takes a lot of work, but with Zumba it doesn’t feel like work. Are you ready to party yourself into shape? Forget the workout, just lose yourself in the music, have fun and let yourself go! Yes, Zumba…

Life Beyond the Tea Bag – January 2015

Diane Eddy Tea is grown and consumed differently in Japan than in China and other countries. At approximately the same time that tea became known to Tibetans in 641 AD, contact between Zen priests and Chinese Buddhist monks facilitated the introduction of tea into Japan. After living in China for some years, the priest, Saichô,…