Greater Phoenix Jewish Film Festival moves west

The Greater Phoenix Jewish Film Festival, the longest-running film festival of any kind in the Valley, announced today that they have moved its festival’s east Valley screening site to Harkins Theatres Chandler Fashion 20. The new theater is located at 3159 W. Chandler Blvd. in Chandler, approximately seven miles west of the festival’s previous screening…

Mark your calendar for 5th annual bingo bonanza

San Tan Crown Rotary Club will hold its fifth annual Bingo Bonanza fundraiser on Saturday, November 15. This year’s event will be held from 6:00-9:30 p.m. in the Arizona Room at the Sun Lakes Country Club Clubhouse in Sun Lakes. Tickets are just $25 and each tickets provides a player with three game cards for…

Thanksgiving Turkey Drive

On Sunday, November 16 the congregation of Risen Savior Lutheran Church will be donating frozen turkeys or checks to assist the Chandler Food Bank in helping less-fortunate families in our community prepare turkey dinners on Thanksgiving. Invites Sun Lakes Community Participation Risen Savior is also inviting their neighbors in the Sun Lakes Community to join…

A special invitation to all residents

  Evelyn Shea This is an invitation to all residents of Sun Lakes and SunBird including all art classes, art clubs and the public. The Cottonwood Clay Sculpture Class has scheduled a very special guest, local fine art photographer, Deborah Silvis, on Wednesday, November 12 at 10:30 a.m. in the Cottonwood Ceramic Room 8, which…

Get Ready! for annual golf for life

The 2014 Cancer 
Tournament committee: 
Back row (left to right) Anita Barber, Sandy Eeds, Chairperson Carolyn Tagetz, Gwen Curtis and Kathy Jones; front row (left to right) Pat Florence, Ann Hammond, Cindy Bosch and Janet Baron.

Janet Baron Publicity Chairman Get ready! Our annual Golf for Life cancer tournament will be held at Palo Verde on November 18. In the past we have been extremely successful raising an excessive amount of monies donated to the U of A cancer center. Let us again work effortlessly this year to bring about the…