Kinetic Karate Classes Now in Sun Lakes Country Club

Charmaine Roberts What Is Kinetic Karate? The kinetic chain is the interrelation of the nervous, muscular, and skeletal systems. Our nerves, muscles, and joints work together to create human movement. Karate training teaches movements that require an increased awareness of one’s body and improvement in balance, reflexes, focus, and strength. Kinetic Karate generates movement that…

December Brings Joyful Celebrations to Sew-N-Sews

Eileen Turner As Sew-N-Sews members gather this month to celebrate the holidays, there is much to celebrate. Sew-N-Sews members are very focused on educating each other and giving back to the community. As the months go on, there are more and more opportunities to enrich each other’s lives. Monthly meetings have guest presentations, and most…

Savvy Travelers Club to Meet December 12

Jeanette Rajamaki Welcome to our last meeting for 2024 and our holiday meeting on Dec. 12 at 6:30 p.m. in the Saguaro Room. We will be introducing a brand-new cruise company coming to the USA. Joseph Barney, our business manager, will introduce you to Explora Journeys. In 2023 Explora launched their first ship and recently…

AAUW Southeast Valley Welcomed Members Back

Mary Kenny AAUW (American Association of University Women) Southeast Valley Branch (SEV) kicked off its 2024-25 programming year with an afternoon social attended by more than 50 members. Introductions of key volunteers were followed by highlights for the coming year, including the statewide Fall Forum, the Holiday Fund Brunch, and the annual Scholarship Fundraiser. In…

Join Us for Woodcarving at Cottonwood!

Dianne Winenger Margaret Ryan and Lew Crawford, two accomplished artists in our group, are currently working on their woodcarving projects. Watching their creative process unfold is inspiring, and it shows just how fulfilling this craft can be. Starting with a simple block of wood may seem intimidating, but with a mentor to guide you, learning…

Roadrunners RV Club News

Julie Hedges, Secretary The new season of the Sun Lakes Roadrunners RV Club has kicked off with the first two meetings of the year held in October and November. We attended the Sun Lakes Open House events this year to educate the community about our club. The Roadrunners are about fun, travel, new adventures, good…