Our Palo Verde Roads Management Inc. (PVRM) annual meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 14, at 3 p.m. in the Lecture Hall at the Cottonwood Complex. All Palo Verde residents and Palo Verde renters are encouraged and welcome to attend. Our agenda will be to review our financial status, how we established our annual fee, and what work is proposed for the Spring of 2025. We will have bids back by this meeting and should have a rough schedule for execution for the work proposed. Specific work scheduling information will be provided to residents and renters through the Splash, The Flyer newsletter of HOA2, and mailings to each address in Palo Verde ahead of the work.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please bring them to the annual meeting on Jan. 14 or email them to Mark Brauer, president of PVRM, at [email protected].