First row (left to right) Linda Dickerson, Pat Amica and Elaine Sheppard; back row Deane Grav, Dan Morson and Murray Rose.
Jan Ott
The happy singers pictured are a small sampling of the Sun Lakes group that has become an annual attraction during the December holidays. The Chorale is a large and enthusiastic group consisting of both male and female voices (capable of singing in eight-part harmony), their own professional percussionist and piano accompanist, a multi-faceted director/Performance Coordinator, and a greatly admired Music Director who is also a published composer. (How’s that for upbeat credentials?)
Where can a person go to see all this talent and enjoy a memorable performance suitable for most ages and a variety of musical tastes? To the Chorale’s favorite venue – the Sun Lakes United Methodist Church. This convenient location is 9248 E. Riggs Road, next to the Sun Lakes Library. And when will this musical magic take place? On Thursday evening, December 8 at 7:00 p.m. (be forewarned that loyal followers will be clustered at the church doors when they are opened at 6:30 p.m. and this event is likely to again be a sell-out).
How much longer will tickets be sold? Call Carolyn Ellis at 480-883-6997 regarding telephone orders. They will also be sold at Sun Lakes Ace Hardware’s Ticket Tuesday (from 10:00 a.m.-noon) on December 6. If still available, they may also be purchased at the door on performance night.
What can a concertgoer expect in terms of the music? One program highlight will be O Holy Night! the Mack Wilberg arrangement (yes, the same as used by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir). Traditional favorites include Ding Dong, Merrily on High, I’ve Got My Love to Keep Me Warm, A Hanukkah Wish, and (what no concert is complete without) a rollicking arrangement of Jingle Bells. Soloists will offer heart-warming favorites. Director Cris Evans hopes she has something for everyone.
So much to enjoy – so little time to obtain tickets which will also make wonderful holiday gifts for family and friends!