PVLGA Happenings

Susan Lamb

It’s a new year and time to sharpen our golf skills, as PVLGA has a full calendar of events lined up for 2025. We had a delightful Christmas Scramble and Luncheon on Dec. 10. Two foursomes tied for first place: Team 1: Carol Guild, Karen Flanagan, Mary Mentone, and Julie Lutostanski; Team 2: Deb Bohac, Kathleen Gardner, Nancy Mastalski, and Sharon Fratiello. They each won $10 in chits!

Our new officers were installed for 2025. Thank you to the following ladies for volunteering to be officers: President Naomi Bryson, Vice President Mary Nelson, Secretary Roz Pederson, and Treasurer Carol Healy. If you are a member of PVLGA, please help with one of the events by contacting Special Events Chairperson Mary Lou Jones. Let’s make 2025 a fun and successful season with everyone’s participation.

There are several events in January, which will have already taken place by the time this article appears in the February issue of the Splash: the January Scramble, the Cotton-Verde, and the Invitational with three other clubs. Be sure to sign up for the Presidents Cup (low net) on Feb. 11 and 18 and then the Club Championship (low gross) on March 4 and 11. Our Member-Member Tournament will be on March 25. Find a new or old member to be your partner for this fun tournament. Enjoy your time on the course, and don’t forget to sign up in the Palo Verde Ladies Lounge for all the special events.