PVLGA President Naomi Bryson
Susan Lamb
At the CottonVerde Ladies Tournament on Jan. 23, PVLGA President Naomi Bryson made a hole-in-one on hole 15 at Palo Verde. She was interviewed soon after by an anonymous reporter. Here is the result of that interview:
A First Hole-in-One
A hole-in-one is a feat all golfers dream of and non-golfers talk about. A hole-in-one is when a golfer gets the ball into the cup from the tee without making any other strokes—no chipping, putting, or other contact with the ball. This is considered a feat requiring skill and luck. Naomi Bryson was excited about her skill that day and grateful for her luck. It happened on Jan. 23, 2025, at 9:41 a.m. on hole 15 at Palo Verde. It was about 56 degrees Fahrenheit, which is quite chilly. She was wearing several layers of clothing and for the first time while golfing, her red “Delta Dear” baseball cap. The cap had been given to her by movie star and honorary member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Cheryl Lee Ralph, who has a celebration of her own: Jan. 29, 2025, Hollywood Walk of Fame Ceremony.
The ball was a white Dunlop brand that Naomi had retrieved from her late husband’s golf bag to use as a “water ball.” She reached into her bag to get the ball that she usually plays but accidentally took the old Dunlop, “the winning ball.” Because the wind was blowing in her face (9 miles per hour), she decided to use her MacGregor driver for the 90-yard par 3. Naomi hit the ball off the tee. It went up in the air and came down. But where? She thought it went way over the back hill. However, Denise Orthen, who had walked up to the green, shouted, “You went in the hole!” A greens maintenance worker said, “I saw it go in!” Naomi screamed loudly and interrupted the conversation between the other two players, Bonnie Moore and Trudy Houghton. Everyone celebrated Naomi!
It all happened at the annual CottonVerde Tournament where two players from Cottonwood and two players from Palo Verde make a foursome and play Cottonwood’s front nine and Palo Verde’s back nine. Wow, what a fun day for everyone, and especially PVLGA President Naomi Bryson. Do these actions, tools, attire, weather, and people make for a hole-in-one? “Lady Luck” must be present!