This small quilt made by Dianne Stoutenberg is from star quilter Kathie Neffenger’s Mexican Star piecing workshop. Come join us in the fall.
The Agave Quilters of Sun Lakes may not be having meetings this summer, but that does not mean that quilting is taking a vacation. Most Agave members will use the free time this summer to work on their entries for Agave’s 2016 President’s Challenge for the 2016 Agave Quilt Show. The theme of Faith Bragg’s President’s Challenge is What is Black and White and Red all Over? However, all other colors are being allowed as long as there is some black, and white and red fabric. The finished item should fit inside a 24 inch by 24 inch square and have a hanging sleeve for display during the show.
The recent Agave 2015-2016 elections were announced at the May meeting as follows: Mrs. Faith Bragg will remain as President through May 2016, as will Pat Meger as Vice President and Nancy Miller as Secretary. The Treasurer’s position was filled by the team of Melodie Fogelsanger and Patty Burris, who will serve for two years, as did past Treasurer Diane Larson. Shar Schmutz is new Education Chair and Terri Austin is taking over as Hospitality Chair with associates Cynthia Schoenfield and Cathy Borchers. Rita McGee will chair the 2016 Quilt Show next March.
There is lots of room for new volunteers on the Agave Board, especially for the position of Program Chair which needs to be filled as soon as possible. If you might be interested in serving as Program Chair contact Johnie Scofield at 480-802-7733 for more information.
All Sun Lakes quilters of any skill level, from beginner to professional, are invited to join the Agave Quilt Guild in September when we resume regular meetings, on the first Wednesday of every month (September through May) in the Oakwood Ballroom at 1:00 p.m. We offer interesting speakers, demonstrations, classes, all day workshops and ongoing small friendship and interests groups, like the Art group and the Woolly Ewes.