Ranger Lozano Accepts Award

Commander Ron Burchett, Lt. Carlos Lozano, and Pinal County Attorney Kent Volkmer

Michael Berry

Arizona Rangers-Sun Lakes Company Lt. Carlos Lozano was presented with the National Crime Victims’ Rights Week Award by the Pinal County Attorney’s Office of Kent Volkmer last month for his work with victims and other agencies. According to Attorney Volkmer, “This is a great way to thank law enforcement officers and volunteers for the great work they do.” This is the seventh year for this prestigious award.

Lt. Lozano was born in Columbia and came to the USA with his parents at the age of 10. He joined the Navy as a teenager and served for 34 years before retiring as a Captain. Lt. Lozano is also a volunteer with Chandler Police Department and serves on the Chandler PD Use of Force Committee. He is a founding member of the Arizona Rangers-Sun Lakes Company and is the company’s training officer. In addition, Lt. Lozano is the Arizona Rangers State Documents Committee chairperson.

The Arizona Rangers is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with 22 divisions, or companies, across the state. If you would like to learn more or make a tax-deductible donation to your Sun Lakes Rangers, go to www.azrangerssunlakes.org.