The Sun Lakes Republican Club will feature “The U.S. Constitution: American Exceptionalism” with guest speaker Shane Krauser, Esq., at its monthly meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 13, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Navajo Room of Sun Lakes Country Club, 25601 S. Sun Lakes Blvd. The public is invited! Our mission is “education for an informed electorate.”
The United States of America is a constitutional republic and, as such, is a nation governed by the rule of law. When our elected representatives are sworn into office, they take an oath “to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” What does this oath mean to Americans today and our U.S. Congress, the White House, and the courts? Our program will focus on examining the Bill of Rights and holding our elected representatives accountable to our founding documents. The director of the American Academy for Constitutional Education, Attorney Shane Krauser, will enlighten and inspire us with his entertaining style and expertise.
Shane Krauser has vast experience as a trial attorney and collegiate adjunct faculty where he taught criminal and constitutional law. He is a very popular and engaging speaker. Shane has spoken on constitutional issues and has educated audiences of various ages all over the U.S. He also has guided expert panels with various political figures and has appeared on radio and TV. His presentation will captivate you and move you—literally! State Senator JD Mesnard and State Rep Julie Willoughby will provide updates on current issues in our district.
You are invited to join us for An American Christmas on Wednesday, Dec. 11, from 5 to 9 p.m. in the San Tan Ballroom at Cottonwood Country Club for a prime rib dinner and entertainment by Harry Matthews. The cost for the dinner-dance is just $35 per person. You may reserve a table of 10 or purchase individual first-come, first-served open seat(s). Names of all guests must be provided at the time of purchase of a reserved table for 10 guests or individual seat(s). The deadline to purchase a seat is Wednesday, Nov. 27, or until we sell out. Send your checks made payable to SLRC with your email address, phone number, and the first and last names of all your guests to Patricia Koepp at 9621 E. Glenside Ct., Sun Lakes, AZ 85248. If you have any questions, email her at [email protected]. Sorry, no refunds. Dinner-dance seats may also be purchased at our meeting on Nov. 13. No tickets will be sold at the door.
For more information, visit our website at or contact Mike Tennant at 262-880-4620.