Llynne Reed
Sun Lakes/Chandler, Ariz., resident Llynne Reed has published her highly anticipated fiction/historical book Alarm Call of the Crow: An American Family During Peace and War.
Readsville in Vermont becomes the endearing country homestead for the fictional Barlow family, with roots in Canada and the United States. Four generations intersect with U.S. history: Pearl Harbor; Japanese American Incarceration; Oregon’s WWII shipyards; Expo 67 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; Vietnam riots; and conscientious objectors. Just and unjust actions affected countless lives in these historic places that must not be forgotten. The good and bad, happy and sad, challenge everyone. Love gained, love lost, births, and deaths are universal. Join the Barlows as they make their way through history. Feel their pain and rejoice with them during the good times.
The author is a graduate of the State University of New York at Albany, with a major in English and a minor in library science. Her 36-year career as a school and public librarian in Vermont gave her an unquestionable love for reading and story development. In retirement, Llynne devoted much time to travel and historical research. She and her husband Bob now reside in Arizona.
Alarm Call of the Crow, published 2021 by Outskirts Press, Inc., is available in paperback at Barnes & Noble and in paperback and Kindle at Amazon.com.
Books make good gifts.
outskirtspress.com/alarmcallofthecrow and [email protected]