Pictured (left to right) are Cheryl Kopacz, Susan Utzinger, Minna Rasmussen, and Andrea Steinhauser.
Minna Rasmussen
The Cottonwood Lady Niners were represented at the AGA 2023 Women’s 9-hole State Medallion Tournament by Susan Utzinger, Cheryl Kopacz, Minna Rasmussen, and Andrea Steinhauser. The event was held at the Oakwood Country Club, Sonoran course, on Jan. 13. Utzinger and Rasmussen were the gross players, and Kopacz and Steinhauser were the net players. At the conclusion of the nine holes, Team Utzinger and Kopacz were in a four-way tie for the state title. The playoff went three holes before they fell to the PebbleCreek team. Utzinger and Kopacz earned first in the first flight. Rasmussen and Steinhauser placed fifth in the second flight.
The Niners are currently competing for next year’s Medallion representatives. The total individual scores from the first Wednesdays of January, February, March, and April determine the four entrants.
The Niners Member/Guest event will be held on March 16 at the Cottonwood Country Club.