Bill Gates
What is essential?
That question has been much in the news this past year as the nation grapples with coronavirus and its social and economic implications.
At its March meeting, the Restless Minds discussion group will consider what “essential” means—and who decides.
The meeting will be held via Zoom at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 9. Those on the group’s email list will receive Zoom sign-in instructions a few days before. Others who want to participate should email by March 8 for the Zoom information. All persons with open, inquisitive minds are invited to participate.
The discussion will consider, but won’t be limited to coronavirus issues, such as vaccination priorities and lockdown liftings. We’ll also consider essentials in our lives and how they change as we age.
And, time permitting, we’ll look at what should be essential priorities for our nation.
The group has been meeting in Sun Lakes for more than 20 years. We look forward to the time—in the not-too-distant future—when we’ll be able to meet in person again.