Return of the Golden Goalies?

Mark July 6 on your calendar. A meeting to explore reviving the Golden Goalies weight support group is scheduled for that day. We are excited to discuss a relaxed format going forward post COVID-19. If interested in meeting others and managing your weight, please join other interested people, including some former Goalies, in the Navajo Room at SLCC on July 6 at 9 a.m.

We will ponder such issues as (1) does meeting with friends still help us meet our goals? (2) does weighing in regularly help us keep our goals front and center? (3) do we feel good about friends helping us manage our weight? (4) can we learn tips and strategies from other Goalies? (5) should we meet every week?

If interested in meeting others and managing your weight, please join other interested people, including some former Goalies, in the Navajo Room on July 6 at 9 a.m. at SLCC, and bring a friend if you like.