Naughty or nice?

This client gave Santa his wish list!

Santa visits The Perfect Place!
What a surprise! Just as the party for our participants and their caregivers was winding down, in pops Santa. And we all had our pictures taken! So much fun and frivolity. The morning started with the Dry Heat Pickers jamming as we enjoyed a festive lunch with holiday cookies. Everyone had been introduced to each other; caregivers got to meet other caregivers and participants met people who volunteered at other times. We sang Christmas carols and laughed as we all sat on Santa’s lap. Another wonderful time had by all at the Perfect Place. Let’s not forget a special thank you all the volunteers for creating this much fun.
The Perfect Place is located on the campus of Risen Savior Lutheran Church in Sun Lakes. We are a nonprofit faith- based adult care center. Our volunteers are knowledgeable of Alzheimer’s, dementia, developmental disabilities and various adult neurological challenges. Most of us have had a loved one for whom we were a caregiver. We enjoy what we do.
If you believe your family or caregiver would benefit from this service contact The Perfect Place at 480-895-2892 or send an e-mail to [email protected]; ask for Judy Waltersdorf. We are located at 23914 S. Alma School Road, Sun Lakes, AZ 85248.
Contributions from service organizations and personal donations to our scholarship fund allow us to provide financial assistance.
The Perfect Place phone, Risen Savior Lutheran Church, 23914 S. Alma School Road, Sun Lakes AZ 85248; phone 480-895-2892
9:00 a.m.–noon Monday, Wednesday and Friday
1:00-4:00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Friday
Contributions from service organizations and personal donations to our scholarship fund allow us to provide financial assistance.