Season of Gratitude

Kathleen Ismael

Kathleen Ismael, Reflexology Practitioner, IronOaks

I would like to express a great big thank you to everyone at IronOaks Fitness and Racquet Club. So many members, residents, staff, and guests have been very gracious to me since bringing Reflexology to the Sun Lakes community. I have enjoyed meeting every one of you. Thank you for your support and kindness.

Some people may ask, “Why Reflexology?”

The science and art of reflexology impacts our lives in several ways, helping to bring healing and balance that allows the body to function properly.

The body strives to be healthy and balanced, but the sheer challenges of everyday life can compromise our physical and emotional well-being.

Pollutants in the air that we breathe can compromise the respiratory system.

Processed foods and certain food choices will inflame the digestive system, which houses the immune system! Doctors agree that building and maintaining a strong immune system is the most important thing we can do to fight against illness and disease.

Just as the skeletal system needs movement and weight bearing activities, the muscular system craves stretching and strength stimulation.

The bottoms of the feet hold over 7,000 nerve endings. These nerve endings serve as reflex points for every system and organ in the body. The methodical, purposeful stimulation of each reflex point in the foot initiates electrical charges to the brain. These impulses go to work to heal and balance wherever needed.

This awakening of reflexes, combined with foot massage, soothing music, and aromatic oils, provides a relaxing environment. The body does its best healing work when the mind and body are at rest.

Emotional well-being is also at stake here. Everyone knows that how we perceive our physical and environmental condition affects our emotions. In the same way, fearful or negative emotions can cause physical malfunction. Positive and grateful attitudes can heal. Stress relief and relaxation are important for balance and healing of body, mind, and soul.

During this season of gratitude and giving, consider the gift of Reflexology for yourself or someone you love.

We wish you a blessed holiday season.