Semi-Annual Shred-A-Thon and Prescription Drug Take-Back October 28

The Sun Lakes Posse, along with our community sponsors, are holding our semi-annual Shred-A-Thon and Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) National Drug Take-Back on Saturday, Oct. 28, at 10440 E. Riggs Road, Sun Lakes (northeast corner of Alma School and Riggs Roads).

The Shred-A-Thon will be from 10 a.m. to noon, and the Drug Take-Back will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Free Paper Shredding Services: Limit two boxes or bags per household.

Please place your items for shred in your trunk and stay in your car. We will remove the items from your trunk and return your box. No clips, metal, plastic, folders, or pre-shredded paper.

Drug Take-Back: Bring old prescriptions for safe disposal with the Maricopa County Sheriff’s office.