Seniors and High Schoolers Improvise Together

Kate King-Turner

Early in April there was a lot of laughter and shenanigans going on at the Chandler Center for the Arts Bogle Theatre. High school students invited members of the Sun Lakes Community Theatre improv group, The ImproVables, to join them in ad libbing the night away in an evening of improv.

On April 3 the kids and adults got together to do warm-up and ice-breaker games. The teens and adults worked together on focus and trust. They got to know each other very quickly. The next night, April 4, the group got together again for a joint performance with an audience in attendance. The program included games done by The ImproVables, followed by games performed by the teens, and ended with games done together.

Both groups gained so much from working together. The adults gained a great deal from the energy and enthusiasm of the teens, and the teens learned a lot from the adults’ experience. Theater director Stephanie Likes stated that the teens consider The ImproVables as their mentors.

Chandler Center for the Arts has been booked by Chandler High School for two nights next year. It is anticipated that the groups will do this type of combined improv show again and include other Chandler high school improv groups as well.