What does a shadow represent?

Ray Corlew

When I was reading an article recently, I started thinking about shadows. I have always been intrigued by shadows. Where do they come from? Do shadows have a purpose? Yet, every day I see shadows.

Look with me as to the way the Psalmist give His insights. “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”

But, it is the shadow in the shelter that caught my attention. Why? Because a shadow represents a presence. There is something or someone there if there is a shadow.

This means to me that God is so close that you can live in His shadow. You can be protected by His shadow. You can’t touch Him, you can’t see Him, but you know He is there. His shadow tells you that.

Sometime you may wonder where is God? He seems so far away, so disconnected, so unavailable. No, His shadow tells you that He is very near to you.

Think of it, living in the shadow of the Almighty. He is so close that you are in His shadow. He is invisible, but there. He is untouchable, but there.

In His shadow, that is where you want to be. Live each day with this amazing truth.