SL Apple Club presents Apple TV class and workshop

Gary Tougas holds Apple TV and its remote as he works with Karen at Friday Q&A.

Jan Bobbett

Gary Tougas, a leader in the Sun Lakes Apple Club, will present the April class on the topic of Apple TV. Tougas knows the device well and is happy to share what he knows.

The actual Apple TV is just a small black box, and the remote is very simple, with six buttons and a touchpad. The Apple TV Box connects to your Wi-Fi and then via an HDMI cable to your TV.

As is often the case, apps provide much of the magic. The current Apple TV uses apps (available from the App Store) such as Netflix, Hulu, HBO, Acorn and Prime. The total cost for the apps varies widely. If you want to go crazy, you can sign up for all sorts of things, or you can be selective to keep your costs low.

You have probably heard of “cutting the cord.” Apple TV is one of the tools that can help you eliminate those costly contracts for cable TV and satellite. Consumers are learning that Apple TV used with apps can help replace functions that used to be done with other boxes. Whether you are cutting the cable or viewing personal photos, Apple TV is worth exploring.

Besides being economical, Apple TV can help you use many functions you might already enjoy. With an Apple TV, you can select music; watch TV shows or movies using Netflix, Hulu, Amazon; shop with apps from Amazon, QVC, etc.; watch sports with apps; keep up with news from all angles and enjoy apps for games, education, food and drink, health and fitness, photo, video, etc.

This is just a quick overview of what Apple TV can do. To learn more, use our website, which is, to reserve a spot in the class for this introduction to Apple TV. Register for the class (held on April 8) and the follow-up workshop (April 15). Membership and classes are free of charge. You can also learn more about and join the club.

Also note that Gary Tougas and Mike Canterbury are holding one-on-one Q&A sessions by appointment only for individual users on Friday mornings — another good reason to find out more about the club and its events. On the website, check under Home/Upcoming Events or Blogs.

Apple Club classes are on the second Monday of the month at 1:30 p.m. in the Phoenix Room (Cottonwood, near the pool). This month, as usual, we will have the workshop on the third Monday — same time, same place and same topic (Apple TV this month). Because of limited space and great demand, you need to sign up to attend any class, workshop, Q&A or special event. Our friendly website will help with this. For further information, you may contact Gary Bross at 480-895-2141.