Nancy Field
Golf results for November:
11/11. Scramble – 1st place team (tie) Karen Hessler, Jeanne Miszewski, Sheila Pauley and Bea Hadsell (62); Dang Parker, Judi Kilgus, Arlene Ungaro amd Kay Nielsen (62); Dianne Thompson, Margaret Werseen, Goldie Herberg and Linda Ryland (62); Debbi Ebel, Ingrid Jefferies, Lillian Look (62); 2nd place team Daryl Mellafont, Elaine Donovel, Ariete Lima and Marilyn Capra (64); 3rd place team (tie) Nicole Wadley, Cheryl Bunch, Jeanne Nelson and Brenda Icenogle (65); Debra Emerick, Roxanne Belshaw, Arne Havens and Linda Pert (65); Mary Oester, Diane Grosse, Nettie Dingler and Lavaughn Pietz (65); Betty Ulrich, Elsie Hagen, Ruth Anderson and Mary Billideau (65)
11/18. Odd Holes – Flight 1: 1st (tie) Karen Mcguiness (17) and Kelly Dennis (17), 2nd Marci Koppelmaa (18), 3rd (tie) Dang Parker (20) and Nicole Wadley (20); Flight 2: 1st Debbi Ebel (15), 2nd Gloria Fronk (17), 3rd Shirley Brenner (18); Flight 3: 1st Mary Billideau (15), 2nd (tie) Jacque Lingle (17) and Pat Benson (17), 3rd (tie) Carolyn Luna (18) and Debbie Martin (18); Flight 4: 1st Judy Mical (11), 2nd-Dianne Hoyt (13), 3rd (tie) Ariete Lima (14), Jeanne Nelson (14), Lillian Look (14)and Margot Mask (14)
11/25. Orange Ball – 1st place team Janet Batting, Ingrid Jefferies, Mary Poltonavage and Lillian Look (105), 2nd place team Gloria Fronk, Debbi Ebel and Margot Mask (110), 3rd place team Mary Oester, Fran Stevenson and Gloria Mundy (112)
12/02. Two Net Best Ball – 1st place team (tie) Marci Koppelmaa, Jan Fletcher, Judy Mical and Donna Bailey (98); Janet Batting, Nancy Field, Linda Kalamar and Margot Mask (98); 2nd place team Marylou Claypool, Margaret Werseen, Jeanne Nelson and Lavaughn Pietz (99); 3rd place team (tie) Mary Oester, Gloria Fronk, Goldie Herberg and Sheila Pauley (100); Audrey Rich and Sarah Green (100)
Welcome to any new members that have joined us this past month. January is the start of a new year of fun and games. Debra Emerick is working hard to come up with some fun competitive games. The President’s Cup is in January and also in January is qualifying for the Women’s Derby. So make sure you pick up a calendar of events in the Pro Shop each month. Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and has a Happy New Year.