SLLGA January Results

Marci Koppelmaa presenting a check to Kay Wright

With the return of our winter visitors, we held our annual banquet in which we handed out the awards from the 2024 golf season. Barb Arakelian won our Club Championship, and Sarah Green won our Presidents Cup.

We also raised money for a charity, Women4Women, which is a volunteer group that works throughout the Valley, the Navajo Nation, and down to the border. They have a total of 52 locations. They hand out feminine products for girls who can’t afford them. We raised $785 this year. Marci Koppelmaa presented the check to Kay Wright.

Jan. 14 – Par 3 Holes Only

Flight 1

1st: Mary Liepold, Jan Cobb, Nadine Stark

2nd: Jan Martin, Judy Bray, Jeanne Nelson

3rd: Moe Schoenwalder, Julie Hamlin, Jo Solie, Pam Conary

Flight 2

1st: Pam Sebela, Dori Winchester, Janis Drummond, Kris Peterson

2nd: Penny Nowicki, Lana George, Cathy Dunn, Pat Henk

3rd: Sabrina Erhardt, Judy Cox

Jan. 21 – Pick 6

1st: Sabrina Erhardt, Betty Reagan, Jacque Lingle, Judy Cox

2nd: Lynda Smith, Gloria Fronk, Cathy LaMothe, Gloria Mundy

3rd: Mary Liepold, Ingrid Jefferies, Karen Simon

Jan. 28 – No Blue Flags

1st: Moe Schoenwalder, Pam Conary, Cathy Lamothe, Mary Bish

2nd: Diane Hill, Mary Liepold, Sharon Elliott

3rd: (tie) Roxanne Belshaw, Jacque Lingle, Betty Reagan, Judy Bray/Lynn Tanner, Pat Henk, Dori Winchester, Janis Drummond