Laura Carothers, Deb Bohac, and Cathy Brabant
Brrrrrrr is all that can be said for the Jan. 9 scramble and business lunch at Palo Verde. Seventy-two brave and strong football-loving women golfers bundled up in 30-degree weather for a fun scramble chaired by Mary Fitzke and Jan Hawks. We started with game-warming hot chocolate and Baileys in the Palo Verde restaurant at 7:30 p.m. We had time to plan our team strategy before kick-off at 8:30 p.m. sharp.
Unfortunately, all 18 teams began with a penalty of cart-path-only for two hours. Our handwarmers were all on high as we trudged through the ice to put our tees in the frozen ground. From then on, we chose the best ball or the one closest to the cart path to prevent slipping on the icy fairways—tough conditions for this desert course! It was a regular scramble from then on. Yellow chains were attached to nine of the holes to give us an edge if we landed within the chain’s diameter on the green. We scored a touchdown! Yea, team! No need to putt in the hole, no need to add one more to the score.
The first-place winners were announced at the luncheon meeting by our head pro Greg Tokash. They represented three fabulous teams: Laura Carothers (Packers), Deb Bohac (Broncos), and Cathy Brabant (Vikings). Congratulations for a game well played! Our president Bonnie Moore continued the meeting after we enjoyed our hot beer cheddar soup and sliders (homemade potato chips and cupcakes, too). She introduced her 2024 Executive Committee. Then our new members were introduced just before Jan Nelson awarded the Ringer winners for the last season.
Our next event was the CottonVerde on Jan. 23. Don’t forget to sign up for the Home and Home at Springfield Golf Course on Feb. 27! It will be a fun event, with ladies from several local clubs.
There is always something special going on with PVLGA. Check your orange calendar for upcoming events!