Two rare Christmas owls caught by artist Phyllis Mills. Phyllis is a prolific artist living here in Sun Lakes and daily labors diligently to please her followers with her timeless gourd art.
Our December meeting was held on December 17 at the Arts and Crafts room of Sun Lakes Country Club. A fun-filled afternoon began with much chatter and catching up after the Thanksgiving holiday followed by all kinds of delightful food and tasty treats.
Squeals of delight began with our annual Christmas ornament theft round and it was as if we were all young children playing musical chairs again. The ornaments were made from gourds by our members and colored in the most fantastic ways, some adorned with various trims. In turns, an ornament was chosen by a member, but could be captured by another member who had not yet chosen – much to the first member’s dismay. Lots of giggles and laughs.
We were able to hold election of officers for the 2016-2017 year and will look forward to their guidance. A hearty thank-you to those who retired from their posts this past year and a half.
Our January meeting will be held on January 21 in the Arts and Crafts Room at Sun Lakes Country Club from 4:00-6:00 p.m. For information about our club contact Vicki McKenna at 480-802-1632 or Lorraine Longpre at 480-895-7771.