Artists working away on a Monday morning

An example of a gourd sculpture
While it’s heating up outside, the “Spirit” members are busy working on their gourds in a cool environment. We enjoy getting together on Mondays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Oakwood Arts & Crafts Room.
In 2008, a group of like-minded gourd enthusiasts met to begin our quest to explore what could become of a moldy, ugly botanical fruit. Once the outside skin is scrubbed clean, the moldy areas become a mirage of beautiful markings that may be enhanced in numerous ways. Sometimes an artist comes across a thick gourd that is perfect for carving, much like a piece of wood. Other artists may envision several gourds put together to become a beautiful or whimsical sculpture.
We welcome all levels of interested people who would like to learn about gourds. Our group consists of beginners to the very experienced. We have lots of mentors available who are willing to share their expertise. If interested, please come visit us on Monday mornings or visit our website, SpiritDesertPatch.com.
Meetings are also held the third Thursday of each month, October through April. At the monthly meetings, we offer demonstrations of various products and techniques.