Spotlight On Advertiser: How does regenerative medicine work?


American Stem Cell provides regenerative medicine as a natural healing option. How does regenerative medicine work? Over time, healthy tissue can become dysfunctional due to age and injury. A human cell and tissue product (HCT/P) is administered to a recipient to repair, reconstruct, replace or supplement the same basic functions of the recipient’s cells or tissue. The following are testimonies of two of our many satisfied recipients.

“It has been well over 10 years of chronic pain and visiting doctor after doctor trying all sorts of treatment. I was desperate. I didn’t know where to turn. I was living on Advil and in constant pain. A really close friend from NYC who is in the medical field told me about something called stem cells and platelets and that they were using it in Europe and athletes use it. I thought, ‘where I am going to find this?’ As it turns out, I ran into Dr. Genet that weekend. I got off the Advil, and I was scheduled for stem cells in my neck and platelets in my shoulder. I then had physical therapy like no other place.

“All of a sudden, almost immediately, I noticed things; little things to some, but huge to me. I could reach across the table to get the salt shaker. I could see my bedroom clock on the nightstand (involving going on my side and reaching my head up to the side). I could do a jumping jack movement with my arms. And the biggest was as I sat in a pool last year and thought, ‘I think I remember how to swim, but maybe I forgot because I couldn’t get my arms to move.’

“How do I thank the people who made this possible? The chance meeting I had with Dr. Genet and the whole staff was supportive and great. They gave me a life again at 60 to which I will be ever so grateful.” (Linda G.)

“Eight years ago, I fell and tore my meniscus and pulled some ligaments. At the end of March, 2017, I had the stem cell procedure performed on my right knee. I am now coming up on three months, and my knee is doing so much better. My pain was at a level of about 8 or 9 and now it is about 1 or 2 and I look forward to more improvement. The physical therapy has helped tremendously, and everyone at American Physical Medicine has been very professional and caring in my continuing therapy. I can walk around the grocery store without pain which I haven’t been able to do in eight years. I would and have recommended the stem cell [therapy] procedure to people who have mentioned knee or back problems to me.” (Judy M.)

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