Helen Seaton
The Computer Booters Club will meet at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, May 8, in the Cottonwood Computer Learning Center, 25630 S. Brentwood Drive, Sun Lakes, AZ 85248. The presentation will be on caring for your PC.
Is your PC starting to groan and splutter? Just like your car, your PC will benefit from a regular service and check-up. As the months and years go by, computers can show a tendency to get sluggish, cluttered, and wheezy, but keeping your Windows machine factory fresh doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive. Join us and learn some easy tips and tricks for keeping your PC in top running condition. The presentation will be followed by a time for questions and answers and an opportunity to visit with other members.
The club now has four forums or discussion groups throughout the month on the following topics: Basic Computing, MS 365, Mobile Tech, and Artificial Intelligence (AI). More information and help is available on our website at computerbooters.org. For more information, contact president@computerbooters.org.