Pictured left to right: Jacquie Peterson (Guild Vice President), Fr. Pierre, (Pastor), Paula Gray (Presenter), Mary Beth Gray (Dancer) and Rose Pachurra Guild President)
Mary Vitolo
On November 9, actor and singer Paula Gray, a resident of Sun Lakes, spoke at St. Steven’s Ladies Guild on “An actor’s Life for me.” She dramatically shared her acting experiences from birth to the present day with songs and stories.
Paula sang Climb Every Mountain from The Sound of Music, which she performed as mother superior in a NYC stage production. She also sang arias from two films, which she did on stage, Dich Teure Hall by Wagner from Tannhauser in the film Benjamin Button and O Mio Babbino Caro from Gianni Schicci by Puccini in Valley of the Sun, an independent film shot here in Arizona.
The highlight of the evening was when Paula’s amazingly talented daughter, Mary Beth, joined her with a dance as her mother sang I Could Have Danced All Night from My Fair Lady.
What a delightful evening the Guild was given by Paula Gray’s and Mary Beth’s fantastic performances! Attention was captured on the onset as Paula expressed love of the theater through her life journey in the theater realm with songs and the captivating dance of the adorable Mary Beth. Their performances were outstanding and enjoyable and very much appreciated by the St. Steven’s Ladies Guild.