Tom Horne, Kurt Rohrs, Charlotte Golla
Karen Lambourne
A full house was present at the Oakwood home of Morris Johnson to hear from Kurt Rohrs and Charlotte Golla, running for the Board of Directors of Chandler School District. The candidates spoke with passion and commitment about parent rights to see the curriculum and possible changes due to the “Equity and Inclusion” district departments.
Karen Lambourne, Oakwood Precinct Captain, reported on IronOaks HOA rules and regulations regarding posting signs and door-to-door visits, and need for IronOaks Printed Policy to comply fully with the Arizona Statute 33-1808, Sec H: “Notwithstanding any provision in the community documents, an association shall not prohibit door-to-door political activity, including solicitations of support or opposition regarding candidates or ballot issues ….”
Residents may walk communities door-to-door after sunrise and before sunset on behalf of political campaigns, wearing identification to share with neighbors their ideas.
On the forthcoming mail-in ballot coming out Oct. 12, candidates for Chandler School Board are not identified by political party, so remember Rohrs and Golla by name when voting to support candidates who endorse parent involvement in their school administration choices.
The Proposition 309 for Voter ID was also outlined by Louann Sedgwick, Vice Chair of Legislative District 13, Chandler Area, who reminded all that passage of this law on Nov. 8 will, by law, require all who vote to have current legal identification.