Sun Lakes Apple Club: iMovie for beginners

Use our Apple Club website to enroll in Mike Canterbury’s iMovie class.

Jan Bobbett

“A picture is worth a thousand words.” Just imagine how much a short video can add to your favorite subject. In the Apple Club class in May, you can get iMovie help from a seasoned user.

Sun Lakes Apple Club iPhone and iPad instructor Mike Canterbury will be presenting his Video Editing Class using Apple’s iMovie for iPhone (and iPad) in our May 13 class. He also presents a follow-up workshop on May 20. This follows our usual approach of offering a class one week and the following week following up with a workshop on the same topic, which will include additional pointers as well as time for questions and answers. Both sessions are held in Cottonwood in the Phoenix Room (near the pool).

This class will cover filming techniques, creating a project, importing shots, trimming shots and using iMovie’s built-in editing tools. Mike will also cover adding titles and music to your finished video.

Our follow-up workshop will cover exporting your movie and sharing it with the use of iCloud and iTheater.

Mike requests that you get a bit of practice using iMovie before the May 13 class. He suggests you film three or four scenes of your favorite subject, which can be grandchildren, pets, flowers — you name it. Be sure you hold your iPhone or iPad in landscape, horizontally for the best shot.

To make sure we have seating for all those who want to attend, the club asks you to RSVP at the club website,

The Apple Club has additional events going on. For example, Gary Tougas and Mike Canterbury are holding one-on-one Q&A sessions by appointment only for individual users on Friday mornings — another good reason to find out more about the club and its events. On the website, check under Home/Upcoming Events or Blogs.